The player controls a collection of pets who try to defend their human owner against ghosts in their home. Every night, ghosts sneak into the home with the…
Meltdown is a fast-paced multiplayer 2.5D game in which goats race to the top of the mountain while facing obstacles such as snowballs being hit at them and…
Explores the rules and procedures followed by players and games-more broadly and not limited to computer games-that are the building blocks that make up gameplay. Students look at…
The course provides students with theory and concepts relating to the field of game design and development, along with practical exposure to the process of designing and developing…
DyingtoLiveAgainisaninteractiveaudiovisualinstallationthatusesmotioncaptureto explore the ambiguity between presence and absence. Participants are shown a virtual graveyard where their movement is represented in real-time as a ghostly figure. The movements of…
The game consists of three different levels, the difficulty increases upon each level based on different factors. The first level, the dartboard will be centered in the middle…