The tap shoes surrounded by tap dancing videos are generated when the device camera detects the AR marker which anchors these 3D objects. For better detection results, point…
This course provides a foundation in 3D animation using the 3D modelling and animation software Maya. The course will provide a survey of various animation techniques and approaches…
Artists have always drawn inspiration from nature, but until recently only rarely have they been able to leverage nature’s creative mechanisms. From its origins computing has also found…
Physarum is a generative art piece developed in JavaScript that explores the formation of structure over time through autonomous cells that search a randomized space of chemoattractants. The…
瓷 is a digital media art project that involves projection mapping on surfaces of a set of Chinese porcelains. Choosing Chinese porcelains gives rise to a more expressive…
DyingtoLiveAgainisaninteractiveaudiovisualinstallationthatusesmotioncaptureto explore the ambiguity between presence and absence. Participants are shown a virtual graveyard where their movement is represented in real-time as a ghostly figure. The movements of…
_ThreadBare is an artistic exploration of the current status of the usage of #metoo on Twitter. The piece monitors the MeToo hashtag in real time and processes user…
Description: The purpose of this game is to use psychological principles of bodily ownership and bodily agency to develop a strong sense of “embodying” the game’s avatar. The game…
DATT 2500 provides a foundation in 3D modelling using state of the art render time 3D modelling software such as Maya, Blender, and 3DS Max. The course will…