Category: UncategorizedPage 5 of 7


We have constructed an adventure RPG style game that incorporates various fantasy RPG trappings such as travelling across an overworld map, as well as menial tasks in the…

The Game of Life

The purpose of my project is to create a game-like art reflecting our life experience. I think our life can be viewed as a kind of game. But…


Our project explores the issue of gender inequality in everyday life. At the beginning, the player will be asked to select the option of female or male, and…

Dance of Cultures

Dance is a movement that is practiced throughout the world. Diversity and inclusivity allows people to enjoy and partake in this movement. Our goal is to create a…

North Bear

The effects of climate change are becoming increasingly difficult to deny. Canada’s Arctic region is warmer than ever previously on record and this is having an undeniable effect…

Rover Over

The player must use a drone from their crashed collection pod to find the missing parts from their engine and repair their ship while avoiding the hostile inhabitants of the…

Introduction to 3D Modelling 2016-17

Samples of student work from Introduction to 3D Modelling 2016-17.


Murmuration was part of An Installation Incubator Project performed in March 2017. The project was an interdisciplinary exploration in technology, movement, sound, design and performance featuring talent from the…

Circles of life

This project layers the concepts of agent-based systems, the game of life and genome evolution. It explores the complexity of interactions and sub interactions. Each layer complexly generates…

Wispy Lineage

Project Overview Wispy Lineage is an artificial life simulation based loosely on the biological process of mitosis. This project uses the Artificial Life Javascript library created by Professor…