This catalog highlights of some of the best and most innovative work created by Digital Media students at York University from Fall 2019 through Winter 2020. In a…
Adam Smith’s “invisible hand” economic theory, in addition to market balancing, suggested that the rich will redistribute their wealth among the lower classes, allowing everyone equal access to…
Meltdown is a fast-paced multiplayer 2.5D game in which goats race to the top of the mountain while facing obstacles such as snowballs being hit at them and…
Explores the rules and procedures followed by players and games-more broadly and not limited to computer games-that are the building blocks that make up gameplay. Students look at…
The tap shoes surrounded by tap dancing videos are generated when the device camera detects the AR marker which anchors these 3D objects. For better detection results, point…
_ThreadBare is an artistic exploration of the current status of the usage of #metoo on Twitter. The piece monitors the MeToo hashtag in real time and processes user…
Description: The purpose of this game is to use psychological principles of bodily ownership and bodily agency to develop a strong sense of “embodying” the game’s avatar. The game…