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2020-2021::DATT 2501: Introduction to 3D Animation

The course will provide a survey of various animation techniques and approaches with an emphasis on render time animation as it is used in 3D art, 3D animation, data visualization and games. Topics include, scene building, character animation, timeline based animation techniques, and the use of 3D graphics in simulation and visualization.

2020-2021 :: DATT 2500: Introduction to 3D Modelling

The course provides a survey of various modelling techniques and approaches with an emphasis on modelling used in 3D art, 3D animation and games. Topics include photorealistic rendering, scene building, character modelling, and the use of 3D graphics in simulation and visualization.

2020-2021::DATT 2300: Game Development I

Introduces the essential workflows and requisite knowledge for game development through the design and creation of game prototypes using a game engine. Provides an introductory hands-on approach to the study and practice of games, gamification, and game play and their use in various applications, including video games, simulations, serious gaming, and art making contexts.

2020-2021 :: DATT 2100: Publishing in Digital Media

Introduces techniques and strategies for the documentation and dissemination of work in the digital age. Students will expand their skills in traditional and internet-based research in tandem with developing competence in the clear, concise communication of ideas through appropriate integration of text, visual, sonic and interactive components.

Interactive Watch Party

Talayeh Amiri & Christine Matti Being over a year into the pandemic, now more than ever, we are lacking human interaction; during this time, movie theatres, as well…


Adrian Fearman, Chibuzor Igwilo, Eric Lin This project acts as a virtual representation of the word viral. The spread of colours by proximity was a concept heavily influenced…

2020-2021 :: DATT 1010 : Introduction to Interactive Digital Media I

Exploration of interactive digital media using a programming environment designed for creative use, such as Max/MSP. The primary content of this course will be presented in a series of themes that provide the basis for the exploration of computational art through fundamental tools needed for the analysis, evaluation, and creation of interactive computational art works, including the exploration of generative art, sound manipulation and effects, video manipulation and effects, and 2D graphics in run-time environments.

2020-2021 :: DATT 1939: Making Interactive New Media Art

Introduces students with little or no experience in the creation of new media works to the issues and techniques that will enable them to engage critically and creatively with the area. In the relatively short history of new media, a new language and tool set have become pervasive in the world of art making.

Digital Media END OF YEAR EXHIBITION 2020 • 2021

April 19-26, 2021 About • Exhibition • Performances • Talks About Our Curatorial Theme: 2020-2021 Invisibility :: Complexity :: Resistance :: Intentionality. The year 2020 and 2021 has…

The Game of Life
This work is an experimental collaborative performance piece devised by Undergraduate students in the Digital Media program and the Dance program for DATT 3931/ 4931 – Collaborative Performance Project I and II. It is presented through Zoom, and involves audience participation by way of the Zoom chat window.