Hao Tang, Xicheng Lian, Jiaoxuan Hou, Kadia Gregory
Our project is a 3D pixel horror escape game named “Umbra Immortuos”, which means the shadow of death. It tells a story about a beautiful woman Wen who died in the well of the Tree Hill village. Though Wen was dead, the story of Wen does not end after she died. She became a ghost because of her stronger resentment and caused two people’s death in the village; therefore, the Tree Hill village has been abandoned since then….
From the 2020-2021 course:
EECS 4700 Digital Media Project (Capstone)
This course involves the completion of a significant body of work in the area of Digital Media. The project will normally be a team project involving the development and analysis of a digital media work potentially having elements of interactivity, animation, 3-D graphics, and sound for example. The project will be presented at a public workshop towards the end of the year.
Return to the Digital Media END OF YEAR EXHIBITION 2020 • 2021