Amir Rostami, Yunshang Jiang, Shahrayar Rafiqui, Nicholas Lina
This project is an exploration of new means of interaction during the Covid-19 pandemic. Our goal is to reconnect people with a combination of AR and virtual art. By creating virtual spaces that users can occupy with self made creatures and giving the ability to share that experience with other peers we hope to create a sense of community and healing between people during the covid-19 pandemic.
From the 2020-2021 course:
EECS 4700 Digital Media Project (Capstone)
This course involves the completion of a significant body of work in the area of Digital Media. The project will normally be a team project involving the development and analysis of a digital media work potentially having elements of interactivity, animation, 3-D graphics, and sound for example. The project will be presented at a public workshop towards the end of the year.
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