Projected Selves

Alexis Wspanialy, Kathryn Bower, and Keon Rastgoo

Projected Selves is an installation performance piece involving interactive projected visuals that centers on underrepresented trauma and PTSD, drawing from a survivor’s personal experience. Mainstream media portrayal of the illness is heavily tied to military involvement, and often minimizes the other ways in which PTSD manifests. This contributes to an othering, stigmatizing, and shaming environment for survivors of these other types of traumas (including sexual assault and childhood abuse), even in medical and psychiatric fields. This stigma is further compounded by issues such as racism, misogyny, rape culture, homophobia, transphobia, and others.

Recovering from trauma is a lifelong process, and it can be difficult as survivors to accept the fact that we will never one day be completely free of PTSD. But this does not mean that we will never find peace, or that our lives cannot be meaningful or emotionally rich and rewarding. Projected Selves is a reminder that through self compassion (along with a supportive environment and treatment plan) it is entirely possible and worth it for us to live personally fulfilling and valuable lives. It is also a reminder for all survivors with PTSD that they are seen and understood, and they are not alone in their journey.

Created by Alexis Wspanialy, Kathryn Bower, and Keon Rastgoo for York University’s Digital Media program thesis course (EECS 4700).

Made using Unity and the Azure Kinect.

From the 2020-2021 course:

EECS 4700 Digital Media Project (Capstone)

This course involves the completion of a significant body of work in the area of Digital Media. The project will normally be a team project involving the development and analysis of a digital media work potentially having elements of interactivity, animation, 3-D graphics, and sound for example. The project will be presented at a public workshop towards the end of the year.

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