Project Invaders

Yodhin Singh, Alina Manase, Antonio Nardi, Lisa Ghouchandra, Zannie Victor

This is a third-person video game with 2 players and stylized graphics made on the Unity game engine. Each player will have a melee weapon (Sword) and an elemental power ranged attack (Ice or Fire). It is an action adventure game with a narrative that is determined by the environment, enemies and player stats. The game takes players through 5 levels of combat and puzzle solving. It is played on a vertically split screen using 2 game controllers. The aesthetic of the game is a sci-fi/futuristic appearance.

From the 2020-2021 course:

EECS 4700 Digital Media Project (Capstone)

This course involves the completion of a significant body of work in the area of Digital Media. The project will normally be a team project involving the development and analysis of a digital media work potentially having elements of interactivity, animation, 3-D graphics, and sound for example. The project will be presented at a public workshop towards the end of the year.

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