Break Ice

Yahui Zhao, Tianyang Zhan, Rumei Mai, Yu Liang, Rongyi Liao

This project “Break Ice” is designed to be an interactive application boarded on mobile devices. The purpose of the game is to provide an interesting and fun communication experience and an alternate emotional connection at the safe distance to users and alleviate their maladjustment brought by quarantine and fear of viruses. The users can utilize the AR camera function and create a personalized visual avatar – a polar bear and interact with other user’s avatars in real-time, with moving the virtual joystick and playing with other people with pre-made animations.

We believe Augmented Reality is a powerful technique that is able to blur the lines of reality and the virtual world. We are using AR Foundation as the AR building tool, to build up the interface system and the interactive avatar on unity.

From the 2020-2021 course:

EECS 4700 Digital Media Project (Capstone)

This course involves the completion of a significant body of work in the area of Digital Media. The project will normally be a team project involving the development and analysis of a digital media work potentially having elements of interactivity, animation, 3-D graphics, and sound for example. The project will be presented at a public workshop towards the end of the year.

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